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11 September 2009
E-mail Marketing Helping Beat Downturn

E-mail marketing is helping companies beat the downturn and increase their marketing budgets! E-Consultancy and Clash-Media's latest study revealed that 53% of surveyed companies in the US have increased their marketing budget over the past year...all because of their e-mail and online campaigns.

The respondents cited cost-effectiveness, better targeted marketing and increased ROI as their reasons for switching to online lead generation. Here's what two of the respondents had to say:

  • "Better comparability between online and offline cost-per-lead has enabled us to shift budgets from off to online."
  • "Offline is too expensive and doesn't get the same speed of responses as online. Online gives faster calls to action and results, too."
Companies everywhere are switching their marketing efforts to the Web. They're saving money, reaching a larger market and increasing their profit all at the same time.

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