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11 November 2009
Online Channel Brightest Spot of Hope

An engaging Web presence is essential to the success of any business today, especially because it opens up an entirely new revenue stream through e-commerce! 

The latest report by Retail Systems Research highlights the importance of e-commerce, indicating that selling goods or services online is an ideal way for a business to generate a profit during the downturn! 

"In a dismal economic year, the online channel presents the brightest spot of hope for many retailers," according to authors Nikki Baird and Steven Rowen. 

This is especially true now that so many consumers are using the Web to make purchases and research products or services! Studies repeatedly reveal a significant increase in online shopping over the past 12 months. As the report notes, "...consumers have accelerated their online shopping habits, particularly when it comes to searching out coupons and discounts." 

To continue drawing customers to their online storefront, businesses are looking for customer-focused solutions, according to RSR. Primarily, the companies responding to the survey said they are concerned with keeping customers engaged. In fact, 67% of respondents said their top challenge is "getting consumers to engage more with us online."

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